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Managing your membership


When you join Mildura Health Fund, you will receive a membership card identifying you as a member. Your card will show all persons covered, along with your membership number. Additional cards can be requested at any time.

Have your membership card on hand when you arrange an admission to hospital, visit a service provider, contact the Fund or come into our office.

A new card may be issued when you make changes to your membership. Please note that an existing card will become invalid whenever a new card is issued. Keep your card safe and please notify the Fund if your card is lost or stolen.

If you require a new card, please contact us or log into Online Member Services and order a new card.


Always make sure that we have your up to date contact details. You can make changes at any time by logging in to Online Member Services or by contacting us.


If you are traveling overseas you can apply to suspend your membership provided that you:

  • Have been a member for at least 12 months
  • Have paid your premiums up to your date of departure
  • Have had at least 6 months active cover since any previous suspension
  • Are going overseas for a minimum of 2 weeks
  • Suspend your membership for a period no greater than 2 years
  • Lodge your application for membership suspension prior to the date of your departure from Australia
  • Provide documentary evidence of departure and return dates when you lodge your application.

Suspension of membership due to overseas travel does not affect your Lifetime Health Cover (LHC) loading as you are still considered to be maintaining your membership.

Depending on your income level, suspension of hospital cover may result in the Medicare Levy Surcharge (MLS) being applied by the ATO.


You can change your level of cover at any time. Waiting periods will apply if you are upgrading your level of cover or reducing your hospital cover excess amount. If you are upgrading your level of cover, your previous level of cover will apply during the waiting period.


You can cancel your membership at any time. Cancellation will be effective from the date you notify the Fund or from your current premium due date, whichever is earlier.

We require something in writing from you, a signed cancellation form or an email will suffice, before a cancellation takes effect.

Prior to cancelling, we encourage you to call our customer service team. Our specialised team will be able to assist you to review your current cover or answer any questions you may have.


We offer a variety of different payment methods for you to choose from. Along with different frequency options to suit every budget, you can choose from fortnightly, monthly, quarterly, half yearly and yearly.

If you elect to pay quarterly, half yearly or yearly, a reminder notice will be sent to you. Note that if you are paying by Direct Debit on one of these frequencies, you will receive an SMS or email reminder but will not receive a detailed account.

It is your responsibility to ensure that your payments are for the correct amount and that they are in advance. This avoids the embarrassment of your claims being rejected due to your membership being unfinancial at the time you claim.

If your premiums are in arrears by more than two consecutive months, your cover will lapse and your membership will be closed. Every attempt will be made to contact you if this occurs.


DIRECT DEBIT Pay by direct debit from your nominated cheque or savings account. You will receive a 2.5% discount if you use this option. A reminder will be sent via SMS or email prior to your due date if you elect to pay quarterly, half yearly or yearly.

BPAY biller code reference is 228080, the reference number that is specific to your membership can be provided on request.

EFTPOS Payments can be made in person at the Mildura, Swan Hill or Broken Hill branches. Or alternatively, over the phone.


You can make payments online by logging into OMS and accessing ‘Make a Payment’. You have the option of using your credit card or internet banking.


You can pay at one of our branches:

Mildura 79 Deakin Avenue, Mildura

Swan Hill 175-177 Beveridge Street, Swan Hill

Broken Hill 320 Argent Street, Broken Hill

Note that Swan Hill and Broken Hill are unable to offer Cash Payments